Dairy Careers
Teacher Preparation
Learning Goal
Upon completion of this lesson students will be able to identify key careers related to the dairy industry.
Learning Standards
SS: K.4 The student will identify basic economic concepts.
SS: K.4.4 Explain how various community members including police officers, firefighters, soldiers, school personnel, business professionals, and medical personnel impact the student’s life.
Resources & Materials
- National Ag in the Classroom
- Balance Careers - Dairy Inspector
- Balance Careers - Dairy Herdsman
- Visuals in the center
- Student tour guides
Lesson Delivery
Anticipatory Set
- What are some of your parents’ jobs? (take a few answers)
- That’s cool! Did you all notice that everyone’s parents have different jobs?
- Explain that your job is working here at the dairy and describe to students what a
day in the life of a dairy employee looks like.
- There are about ___ student workers employed here at the dairy.
- Working in the dairy industry doesn’t just have to be working with cows, there are lots of different careers at dairies and today we are going to learn about five of the main careers that keep dairies running.
Direct Instruction
1st Learning Goal: Upon completion of this lesson students will be able to identify key careers related to the dairy industry.
Content Outline |
Dairy Herdsman
Equipment Service Technician
Public Relations Manager
Learning Activity
Students should be asked to partner up and share which career they liked the most and why. They should then be encouraged to share their answers aloud.
Closing Announcements/Reminders
- Answer any questions they may have
- Show them the robot and viewing windows one more time
- Thank students for coming to the Ferguson Family Dairy