Carla Garzon

Noble Research CenterStillwater, OK 744-9947
Dr. Garzon specializes in the population genetics of plant pathogens and their effect on disease development and epidemiology. Recent projects have focused on the population genetics of Puccinia emaculata, a serious fungal pathogen of the biofuels crop switchgrass, Sclerotinia minor, the causal agent of Sclerotinia blight of peanut in Oklahoma, Phymatotrichopsis omnivora, a pathogen of cotton in the southwest, Fusarium oxysporum in ornamental palm trees, Pythium spp., mainly P. irregulare and other members of the F group of Pythium, and Rhizoctonia solani from natural and agricultural soils.
Dr. Garzon also works to develop new tools and protocols for diagnostic and forensic applications using soil- and waterborne Oomycetes and fungi as model systems. For example, she is identifying sources of Pythium spp inoculum in ornamental nurseries and greenhouse operations, and is examining the effect of low doses of fungicides on soilborne oomycetes and fungi.
- B.S., Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Ecuador, Biological Sciences
- Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, Plant Pathology